Hancock Hounds Dog Park Expands

Ribbon Cutting — Hancock Town Supervisor Jerry Vernold cuts the ribbon for the Hancock Hounds Dog Park (HHDP) expansion. The facility now offers a separate large dog area. Attending the ceremony were representatives from Jim Serio Real Estate, a major sponsor of the dog park, The Hancock Partners, and the Town of Hancock. Pictured (l-r): Jim Serio, Rosie Hubbs, Amanda Paduch, Richard Lowe, Jerry Vernold, Geraldine Walsh, and Jill Keller.
New Large Dog Run Triples Space and Opens for the Holidays in Hancock
by Kristin Barron at HancockHerald.com
The Hancock Hounds Dog Park (HHDP) held an official opening and ribbon cutting for the new, large dog run at the park located at 661 West Main Street, Hancock, NY on Thursday December 22. The new run, designed for larger dogs, adjoins the smaller dog run which opened last December. The park is a total of 1.5 acres.
“The new dog park expanded to triple it’s size in less than one year after opening,” said Richard Lowe, park secretary and design director, during the opening ceremony on Thursday which featured remarks by park and local government officials. Attendees were invited for coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies to celebrate the opening of the dog run for larger dogs.
This new dog park expansion (phase two) was made possible with a grant from the George A. & Margaret Mee Charitable Foundation awarded in November 2022.
This spring, the park will be further developed to feature a unique collapsible training corner that can also be used as a “holding pen” when a dog needs to adjust to the new environment for proper training and for educational sessions, said Lowe.
“Jerry Vernold, Town Supervisor and the Town Board listened to the community’s need for a dog park. I am grateful to the amazing people who have brought this project to life. Special mention to my fellow officers Richard Lowe, Geraldine Walsh, and Michael Fruchtman. I’m excited about Hancock’s future and all who will benefit from the park, The park means healthier animals, social activities, increased business locally and job opportunities,” said Executive Director Jill Keller.

The Hancock Hounds Dog Park is located behind the Town Office Building at 661 W. Main Street.
Phase 3: A Community Garden
The Hancock Hounds Dog Park Committee also announced more plans for its upcoming Phase 3 project which will include a community garden named after Alice Furfaro the Delaware Valley Garden Club (DVGC)
President from 2012-2021. The DVGC will assist in the design of the gardens with HHDP and the Delaware County Planning Office.
The park is conveniently located behind Hancock Town Hall and next to the recently opened Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations.
The final, fully realized dog park will be completed in Fall/Winter of 2023.
Currently HHDP has more than 58 members supporting the project.
“The Hancock Hounds Dog Park is a testament to Hancock’s growth in recent years and how we value new ideas, and listen to our neighbors,” said Jerry Vernold – Town Supervisor. “We are blown away by the public support and everyday use of the dog park. We had no idea how many people would use it every day.”
For more information about Hancock Hounds Dog Park, Inc, visit hancockhounds.com or email info@hancockhounds.com. Stay tuned for more information on the continued fundraising efforts on GoFundMe and follow HHDP on social media using the handle @HancockHoundsDogPark.
“Perhaps most importantly, the new dog park will also serve as a regional gateway for more canine awareness for causes specific to animal welfare, adoption services, public safety, as well as general physical and mental health,” said Geraldine Walsh HHPD President. “As more people and their animals have been cut off from safely socializing, it remains important to create a safe space for dog owners to train and build trust with their dogs and other dogs in general. This will help establish trust and reduce territorial behavior of dogs here in Hancock.”

Meet Lucy — Lucy is a frequent visitor to the Dog Park. She is the loyal companion to Geraldine Walsh, HHDP president.
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